out of sight的意思
out of sight基本解释
abbr. 看不见,在视野之外
1. 战略高手
2. 看不到
3. 看不见,在视野之外
4. 看不见,在视野外
5. 在看不见的地方
out of sight的 用法和例句
- The plane was soon out of sight .
- 飞机很快就看不见了。
- A compartmentalized storage tray can help keep things organized while out of sight .
- 一个划分好的储物格可以帮你把这些东西归理到视线之外。
- But the question is whether party groupings unaccountable and out of sight should be directly controlling government budgets .
- 但问题在于,无法问责的、也看不见的党内派系是否应直接控制政府预算。
- And the eye blinked . A great fringe of lashes came curving down and flew up again out of sight .
- 而这眼睛眨了一下,一大排睫毛又弯弯地垂下又翘起,离开她的视线。
- The ship is out of sight .
- 船已看不见了。
- He soon got out of sight .
- 他一会儿就看不见了。
- He was soon out of sight .
- 很快就看不见他了。
- Chief executives are mostly out of sight in their offices in meetings or on aircraft .
- 首席执行官却常常不见首尾,他们不是在自己的办公室,就是在会议室或者飞机上。
- For example a photographer taking a picture of someone standing out of sight in a room with a half-open door might aim the camera at the door .
- 举个例子,一个摄影师给一个他视野之外、站在半掩着门的房间里的人,对着那扇门拍照。
- Portions of it now and then catch our eye but the greater part remains out of sight in the darkness .
- 当中的一部分时常吸引我们的目光,但更大的一部分却总在无人看见的黑暗地带。
out of sight 相邻词汇
以上就是英语栏目关于out of sight的相关内容,如有错漏请向我们反馈。